Blue Hour

Closeup of “Brrrlington Bay” Available 3/19/22

Something about this time of year has me falling in love with all things blue. I have been moved by the sounds of ice shifting on our great Lake Superior, and by the glaze built up from the waves lapping and freezing on the North Shore. As the days stretch on and the sun grows warmer, I can appreciate the longer hours spent under a bluebird sky. Twilight arrives later, casting the world around me in a cool tone of icy blue just after the sun says goodnight and dips below the horizon.

It’s now that we look forward to our renewal, baptized by early spring rains that wash away the sugary snow and cleanse our streets, refresh and feed our rivers, and nourish the microscopic buds protruding from tree branches that were merely skeletons of life just a month prior. We dream of bathing in fresh, clean lakes, paddling our canoes, and gazing out onto a mirrored sunrise, through the mists of a cool, spring morning.

Closeup of “Agate Bay Blues” Available in my Shop, 3/19/22

It’s these moments spent in twilight, gazing at long shadows on shrinking snow piles, standing on the shores of a great lake, watching shards of frozen glass pile up on the smooth rocks, that make me appreciate the stark contrast of seasons we experience here in the great north. It’s these seasons that move me, that inspire me to create, to paint the world the way I feel it. It is such a gift to translate the vastness of Lake Superior into a painting, to create the ambiance of a Loon’s call, to conjure the rising of the full moon into the deep blue sky. Most of all, it’s an honor to share these feelings with all of you, lovers of the north, of our lakes and rivers and forests.

I am so excited to share The Blue Hour Collection with all of you. My very first set of cohesive works inspired by the calm that nature extends so endlessly and so graciously to my soul. I hope it instills you with the true quietude and centeredness only found by connecting with your natural world, and that it inspires you to go outside, and let the March air envelop you in pure magic.

The Blue Hour Collection will be released on Saturday, March 19th at 9am CDT. For immediate notification of collection release, please sign up for my Collectors List here.


Don’t Forget Your “WHY”