Manifesting the Unexpected
Oh my dear friends…
Sometimes unexpected things happen and there is nothing we can do but accept them as gracefully as possible…
Of course I sent you a newsletter last week detailing how this market season has felt like a marathon and the last three miles were uphill… And then, in the middle of the night before the first day of The Lake Superior 20/20 Studio & Art Tour, I got sick.
Of course this was completely unexpected in some ways and in others, not at all.
Unexpected, because I actually felt totally fine the night before. Spencer and I had popped over to Shelley Getten’s studio, put up the tent and tables in prep for the next morning, said hi to our dear friends and headed home.
I have this running joke with Spencer where I say, “Be careful what you manifest!” I truly believe our words carry a lot of power and what we speak may just come true… Well, for the last month I’ve been saying on and off “Man, I can’t wait to rest.” Looks like the joke was on me because my body said, “Time to rest right now!” (I have to find humor in these things because if I don’t, it all feels too heartbreaking, honestly.)
I would like to apologize to any of you who showed up on Friday expecting to see me and my art. I did not take the decision to stay home lightly at all. I do however believe my health is important and needed to make the best decision for myself.
Those of you who were able to stop by on Saturday and Sunday were surprised with a different face! Spencer, my ever-present and supportive partner ran my booth the entire weekend for me. A gift so priceless it’s still bringing tears to my eyes when I think about how beautifully he curated everything — if you saw his “story posts” on my Instagram, you know how brilliant he truly is at marketing too.
There was also a little lesson in this for me.
Control is something that I typically have a lot of when it comes to the presentation of my art and it’s not something that’s easy for me to relinquish. Plain and simple, this is my baby. My heart and soul, blood, sweat, and tears are in my art. This weekend I really had zero control over what was happening. I was totally dependent on someone else to help me out and I had no choice but to trust that everything was going to work itself out. Fortunately, it was someone who knows this game as well as I do so I was able to enjoy some comfort in being supported and receive it fully so I could rest and care for myself.
And you know what? It did work out. The world did not stop spinning on it’s axis. The sky did not fall down. Spencer did an exquisite job selling my art — including one of my largest paintings I’ve created thus far… A total stunner that I’m grateful has found her forever home :)
If you’d like another chance to buy some of my work in-person this month, I’ll be popped up at the Enger Lofts building in Duluth this Saturday, 10/5 from 10-4 and I would LOVE to see you there!